sound bath

Summmer Solstice Sound Bath with Chelsea Spicer

June 22, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Celebrate the summer solstice with an enlivening sound bath. Chelsea will guide you through a few gentle, restorative yoga postures and mindful breath to move any stagnant energy through your body, then soften and settle into a space of receptivity.

This is a fully “unplugged” experience, bathing you in the organic, healing sounds of crystal singing bowls, chimes, drums, and other instruments. Working at the level of vibration, the soundscapes mobilize and harmonize the flow of life force energy to help you flow seamlessly from spring’s awakening into the full expression of the summer season with a felt sense of restoration, vibrancy, and vitality.

Blocks and blankets provided; please bring any bolsters, pillows, or cushions you’d like to support you while seated or lying down on your mat. This offering is “heaters off,” although it will take place in the same room that is heated throughout the day. Please dress in layers for your comfort and coziness.

Cost $35

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